Reserva- tions
Confirma- tion
Rainy Day & High Water Policy
Floating policy
Floating Restric- tions
Purple Paint
Pet Policy

Most Huzzah Valley camping and floating weekends are arranged through telephone reservations. We do take walk-in business, when services are available, it is always best to call in advance of your trip.

1-573-786-8412 for information
1-800-367-4516 for reservations

For weekday trips you should make reservations one or two weeks in advance; weekend trips should be reserved four to six weeks in advance. Keep in mind that June, July and August are our busiest months, so call as early as possible.

After making your reservation you must send a specific deposit in order to confirm and maintain your reservation. Deposits can be charged to a credit card or you may mail us a check (Huzzah Valley Resort, 970 E. Hwy. 8, Steelville, MO 65565). Once we receive the deposit we will send you a confirmation. If your deposit is not received within 10 days – your reservation will be cancelled, unless prior arrangements have been made. When mailing payments – Include the name of the person who made the reservation and the date of the reservation.
It must be raining at Huzzah Valley on the morning of the float; and if it is still raining at 12:00 NOON, you will be issued a rain check, based on availability. (NO refunds.) If it stops raining before NOON, no rain checks will be issued. Rain checks are ONLY issued to those guests who are present at Huzzah Valley. If state officials or the management makes the determination that river levels are beyond safe canoeing or rafting standards of use, a rain check will be issued in the amount of your payment. (NO refunds). In most situations, the remainder of the reservation (catering, lodging and camping) should not be affected by flood conditions and will be honored.
Floating is both good exercise and great fun experienced in the outdoors. As a participant you have responsibilities, one should always show courtesy to your fellow floaters, which also includes the Huzzah Valley Staff. Be aware, as with any sport there is some inherent risk that personal awareness and common sense can reduce. Never float under the influence of drugs or alcohol. We provide a litter bag with each floating vessel and keep it until the end of the trip. Observe all posted signs and warnings. We cannot assume responsibility for personal injury, medical payments or property loss or damage. You will be asked to acknowledge this by signing a liability waiver before the outing begins. The cost of your float does include: transportation, the normal use of the vessel, paddles, seat cushions, trash bags and life jackets upon request. Please treat our canoes, rafts and equipment with the same respect as if they were your own. We expect normal wear and tear on our equipment, and for that we do not charge. In the event a canoe or raft is damaged beyond normal wear and tear, then we do expect to be reimbursed in relation to the damage. If you abandon your canoe or raft or it is lost or stolen, you will be required to pay for it. If everyone follows the rules of common courtesy, every floater will have a safe and rewarding adventure. On the 10 or 12 mile float trip you must be at the halfway point by 3:00 pm in a canoe or 1:00 pm in a raft to continue floating. There is a $25.00 service charge per hour per craft taking out after 8:00 pm. No refunds for early return from float. The Missouri State Water Patrolpatrols these waters. State law prohibits glass containers on the river, and there is a substantial fine!

Huzzah Valley provides room for people in rafts, not coolers, so it is very important to keep this in mind, the more you take, the less room in your raft for yourself. Also the more weight in your raft or canoe the harder it is to get downstream. No kegs will be allowed in either rafts or canoes! We recommend the following for the maximum amount of coolers (36 quart) to put in your floating vessel.

  • Canoe with 2 adults – 1 cooler
  • Man Raft with 3 adults – 1 cooler
  • 6 Man Raft with 4 adults – 1 cooler
  • 8 Man Raft with 6 adults – 2 coolers
  • 10 Man Raft with 8 adults – 2-3 coolers
Most property along the river’s edge is privately owned and is often marked with purple paint meaning NO TRESPASSING! Please do NOT stop or camp on those bluffs or riverbanks.

Management reserves the right to evict persons for non-compliance.  In fairness to all of our guests, and to assure that everyone has a wonderful experience at Huzzah Valley all of our policies and regulations will be strictly enforced. Management reserves the right to change or move campsite/lodging units at any time.
Pets are allowed here at Huzzah Valley. We ask if you are camping please keep them on a leash at all times. If you are staying in any of our lodging units, there is a $ 25.00 non-refundable pet fee.
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